Welcome to Your Health Journey

I have a deep love and passion for health and fitness. Not only the industry in itself, but I LOVE coaching! I love helping people meet their goals and I am grateful that you trust me enough to start this journey with me as your coach. 

I have qualifications out the wazoo, some of them being: NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutrition Coach, Group Fitness Certification, Bachelors Degree in Public Health, Behavior Change Specialization, Certified Beachbody Coach, Certified Hormone Coach, Athletic Balance Certification, and an Online Fitness Coach and Nutrition Specialist Certification! 

Meet Coach Kiera

Explore Our Courses

12 Week Hormone Health Course

$1500 Value

Unlock a life of more energy, productivity and happiness! Learn about cycle syncing and differnt hormones. With a 12-Week Hormone Reset Course. Say Goodbye to frustration and hello to a better understanding of your body.

FREE Cycle Syncing Guide

Get your FREE guide now!

Cycle syncing is the practice of aligning your fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle with the natural phases of your menstrual cycle. By syncing with your body's rhythms, you can boost energy, balance hormones, improve performance, and enhance overall well-being. Check out this guide for some amazing tips!